Received my first response from BookBaby on the items I submitted for DISVNITVS: True Curse. It concerned “metadata optimization.”
They define it as:
“Metadata is essential embedded information about your book from basics like title, author, ISBN, publisher, genre, and price, to more detailed information like author bio, book cover, book description, quotes, target audience, and reviews, which allows both readers and retailers alike, to categorize and find your book. The more optimized your metadata is, the easier readers can find your book.” (reference:
Now, I find this topic a little confusing. Not so much as to what metadata is, but as to what makes specific metadata good or bad. I accepted most/all of their suggestions and changes in the review process as I could kinda see what they where going for.
My beef is they show your submitted descriptions and keywords and then their edited versions. They also allow you to write/change your data as well. But…they don’t reveal why they made the edits they did. I’m the kind of person that wants to know the reasons you’re suggesting a change. Some editor’s notes to the author would be nice here.
I was able to decipher why they chose certain keywords as I have access to PublisherRocket ( Which I recommend. It gives you detailed breakdowns about keyword searches, competition, categories…etc. and has a well produced video tutorial library.
I accepted BookBaby’s metadata advice as I am paying a lot of money for it and they are the experts. Being a healthcare professional for the past 25 years, nothing peeves me more than someone who asks your advice about a certain condition/procedure/ therapy and then blows you off.
I’ll let y’all know how it pans out later. I’ll also let you know my opinion about BookBaby’s editing services and publicity packages they offer.
Good Night and God Speed,